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Dr. Connie is one of the best personal coaches worldwide. She has worked with thousands of people all over the planet. Personal coaching with Dr. Connie creates measurable results and will help you to achieve whatever you want. Personal coaching is limited to 40 clients at the time and there are only a few spaces left as Dr. Connie is also coaching for Robbins Research International.

Core Brilliance.

Dr. Connie developed a coaching process called Core Brilliance. A 3-day appointment with Dr. Connie to discover your true inner strength and get rid of any challenges that are preventing you from absolute freedom.

We offer a 30-minute free consultation with one of our qualified assistants to see how Dr. Connie can help you best to find the optimal solution for you. Please call us on +1 805 394 0288 or send us an email or use the contact form

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